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As you leave The Backs via Garret Hostel Bridge, turn left and you’re suddenly transported back in to an ancient city. The only reminders of modernity may be the tarmac on the road. You have arrived in Trinity Lane.
AS you meander down this end of Trinity Lane, you come upon the main entrance of Clare College on the right, and the back of Gonville and Caius on the left and straight ahead is a sentry-ed gate (which public is not through) to King’s College Chapel.
Detour to King’s College Chapel
What’s here: West Entrance to Gonville and Caius Library, The Old Schools, Clare College Great Hall and King’s College Chapel

Senate House Passage
If you follow Trinity Lane to the end and turn right before the gates leading to Kings College Chapel, you find yourself in the picturesque Senate House Passage with Gonville and Caius College to the left and the college library and the University Senate to the right.
What’s Here: Gonville & Caius College Library, Gonville & Caius Gate of Honour and Senate House

A painting of the Senate House Passage by Joseph Murray Ince (1806-1859) suggests that not much has change in the past 200 years.
The Gate of Honour of Gonville and Caius College is only for matriculating graduates to walk through at the end of their studies. It allows them to leave the college to walk directly to the Senate House where degrees are conferred.